Wren, a mysterious young woman (Golden Globe winner Rachel Brosnahan) moves into a small town where no one can hide from...
The Hunger Games has become one of the world’s most popular series in the last few years, with millions of copies of t...
Rachel (Elizabeth Hurley), a hopeless romantic, has her wedding dreams poof into the crisp, late-December air when she c...
After winning a grant to write a biography of the Hispanic author Jules Gund, Iranian-American student Omar (Omar Metwal...
In a race to find intelligent life in the universe, an astronomer (Patrick J. Adams) and his free-thinking research part...
This definitive full length documentary charts the making of the record setting comedy that changed the film industry fo...
Caleb (Antonio Banderas), a former government assassin in hiding, resurfaces when his protégé, the equally deadly kill...
A legendary hitman (Jean Reno) retires in isolation to the barren North American wilderness. When he rescues a woman fr...
Broke and miserable, Bobby's only escape is poker. When he's invited to join a secret high-stakes game, he ups the ante...
A young woman's (Emma Watson) desperate search for her abducted boyfriend (Daniel Brühl) draws her into the infamous Co...